Monday, October 5, 2009

Legacy Database at the Largo Public Library

This is one of the "other" databases (other than, that is) which is accessible from the Largo Public Library and from home going through the library website <>. From the home page click on the following screen options: . At that point you will have to log in with your library card number and the last four digits of your phone number. Now you are ready to click on "Legacy: TBLC Digital Collections."

Florida Legacy contains content digitized from the collections of Tampa Bay Library Consortium(TBLC) member libraries, including photographs, books, pamphlets, documents, and newspaper clippings. Fifteen participating libraries have contributed over 50,000 records, including over 5,000 digital images of visual materials.

The first page gives an overview of the site. When you are ready, you can search by key word, or you can browse the collections and images. There are over 40 individual collections that comprise the Legacy database. In all cases you will be presented with complete citations of where the item you searched for can be found, and in many cases there are images available. Most all of the historic photograph collection is digitized.

The PGS has a class on all of the "other library databases" in addition to Legacy. Check the calendar on the PGS website <> to see if and when it is next scheduled. If it is not on the current schedule, keep checking as our courses come up on a rotating basis.

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