Sunday, July 13, 2014

Utah Sanborn Fire Insurance Map Collection

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps are unique in the world of historic maps. They are special because of their purpose (to assist fire insurance agents in determining the risk associated with insuring a particular property), and because of their detail (they include fire walls, windows and doors, wall thickness, roof composition, existence of elevators, width of sidewalks, building use and more). 

The Sanborn Maps in general cover the period from 1867 to1969, and this collection offered by the University of Utah Marriott Library has digitized maps for Utah cities ranging from 1884 to 1955.  

After clicking on the link below, look at the right side of the window for “Explore this Collection.” Here you can browse the entire collection, search for something specific, or browse by city via a dropdown menu.

See it all at:

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