Sunday, March 15, 2015

PGS Events for the Week of 15-21 March 2015

Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 at 1:00 PM--Italian Genealogy Interest Group (GIG), LeConte, Local History Room, Largo Library
Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 at 6:00 PM--RootsMagic-5, Concluding session of how to use the RootsMagic Genealogy Database program. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 18-Mar-15 at 10:00 AM--Caribbean Research and US Naturalization--In Coordination with Largo Library's "Turn a Page" event, PGS is offering a special class on the two topics of Caribbean research and US Naturalization. This touches on the history of the Caribbean settlement and emigration, the availability of genealogical records and the process immigrants followed when becoming US Citizens. Summers & Fortin, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 19-Mar-15 at 12:30 PM--Death Records--where to find vital records, funeral home, newspapers, and more. Bryan, Aging Well Center, 1501 N. Belcher Rd., Clearwater, FL
Friday, 20-Mar-15 at10:30 AM--German Genealogy Interest Group (GIG). Hayes, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 21-Mar-15 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy--Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping.Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library
Saturday, 21 Mar 15 at 11:00 AM—Program Meeting. Google + for Genealogists. How can genealogists use Google+? Learn to use its features to tell others about yourself, to store and quickly share photos and digitized documents, to form organized groups of researchers, to facilitate ad hoc face-to-face group meetings, to set up topics of interest, and to keep up with information shared by others. Drew Smith, Jenkins B, Largo Library
Saturday, 21-Mar-15 at 12:30 PM--Workshop tour of the Genealogy Center showing the many genealogical research resources there. Stokes, Genealogy Center, Largo Library.

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